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Road workers must wear safety boots at work!

Theresa May will not be asking the EU for a long delay when she formally requests that Brexit is postponed. — Downing Street said the PM shared the public's “frustration” at Parliament's “failure to take a decision”.

BBC assistant political editor Norman Smith said the delay would not be beyond the end of June.

 new farming ways

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Watch out what you are doing on mine !

I am writing a wiki.

We're ''far'' from the shallow now.

Lien vers page d'Amandine

Recent events on Brexit lien vers https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-47636011

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Theresa May will not be asking the EU for a long delay when she formally requests that Brexit is postponed. Downing Street said the PM shared the public's “frustration” at Parliament's “failure to take a decision”.

BBC assistant political editor Norman Smith said the delay would not be beyond the end of June.

A cabinet minister has told the BBC this would be the “wrong choice” and a “craven surrender to hardliners” within the Conservative Party. Under current law, the UK will leave the EU - with or without a deal - in nine days.

Jane Doe 1)
Flower Power Generation
Carmen Dima
I'm adding a footnote.
apprentissage/carmen.1553097721.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2019/03/20 16:02 de cdima · Actuellement bloqué par :