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diy:projets:paperscanner [2018/04/25 19:45] gbouyjoudiy:projets:paperscanner [2018/04/25 21:31] – [Character Recognition] gbouyjou
Ligne 3: Ligne 3:
 ---- ----
 ===== Introduction ===== ===== Introduction =====
-PaperScanner is a python command to extract body text of printing character page picture (bad or not).+PaperScanner is a python command to extract body text of printing character page picture (bad or not).\\
 You can use this command with option ''python paperScanner.py --help'' to have more information. You can use this command with option ''python paperScanner.py --help'' to have more information.
Ligne 9: Ligne 9:
 ---- ----
 ===== Installation ===== ===== Installation =====
-Of course you need to have opencv library,  +Download the source code on github [[https://github.com/hiergaut/opencv/blob/master/paperScanner.py]]\\ 
-some additional lib : PIL and pytesseracct to recognize character. +\\ 
-''pip install Pillow'' +Of course you need to have opencv library,\\ 
-''pip install pytesseract''+some additional lib : PIL and pytesseracct to recognize character.\\ 
 +''pip install Pillow''\\ 
 +''pip install pytesseract''\\
 +===== Usage =====
 +''python paperScanner.py --read <FILENAME>''\\
 +FILENAME is your picture file that you want to recover text character.\\
 +===== Explanation of source program =====
 +==== Crop and rotate target paper ====
 +Firstly we have a picture of text page like this\\
 +{{ :diy:projets:out.jpg?direct&400 |}}
 +and we have to retrieve all sentence of this text.\\
 +So before apply image treatment operations, I want to crop only the body text and align it.\\
 +I need to find the four corner of page before use warpPerspective function,\\
 +to eliminate other color unlike the white page, I use histogram to exclude other colors\\
 +{{ :diy:projets:screen.png?direct&400 |}}
 +On histogram, there are two peak, on left this is the yellow color chair,\\
 +and the other is the page color, seem as yellow more white that the precedent,\\
 +is not a perfect white page.\\
 +I find the two boundary with this code
 +<code python>
 +    img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
 +    hist = cv2.calcHist([img], [0], None, [256], [0, 256])
 +    # search max value on histogram
 +    M = hist[0]
 +    i = 0
 +    for j in range(1, 256):
 +        cur = hist[j]
 +        if cur > M:
 +            M = cur
 +            i = j
 +    if i > 253:
 +        prev = hist[i]
 +    else:
 +        prev = hist[i] + hist[i + 1] + hist[i + 2]
 +    # search first grow up on the right
 +    for j in range(i + 15, 254):
 +        cur = hist[j] + hist[j + 1] + hist[j + 2]
 +        if cur >= prev:
 +            break
 +        prev = cur
 +    right = j
 +    if i < 2:
 +        prev = hist[i]
 +    else:
 +        prev = hist[i - 2] + hist[i - 1] + hist[i]
 +    # search first grow up on the left
 +    for j in range(i - 15, 2, -1):
 +        cur = hist[j - 2] + hist[j - 1] + hist[j]
 +        if cur >= prev:
 +            break
 +        prev = cur
 +    left = j
 +after that, I make the contours, I see clearly the quadrilateral, and find the corners.
 +{{ :diy:projets:screen2.png?direct&400 |}}
 +<code python>
 +    match = cv2.approxPolyDP(cnt, 0.02 * len(cnt), True)
 +    [[p], [p2], [p3], [p4]] = match
 +    zoom = 1
 +    w = zoom * int(cv2.norm(p - p2))
 +    h = zoom * int(cv2.norm(p - p4))
 +    if w > h:
 +        t = w
 +        w = h
 +        h = t
 +        pts = np.float32([[p4], [p], [p2], [p3]])
 +    else:
 +        pts = np.float32([[p], [p2], [p3], [p4]])
 +    pts2 = np.float32([[w, 0], [0, 0], [0, h], [w, h]])
 +    M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(pts, pts2)
 +    img2 = cv2.warpPerspective(img_src, M, (w, h))
 +the result :\\
 +{{ :diy:projets:screen3.png?direct&400 |}}
 +==== Treatment (Thresholding, blurring, etc) ====
 +So now we must treat text character before launch tesseract recognition
 +I remove the margin to remove folding
 +<code python>
 +    h, w = img.shape[:2]
 +    margin = 100
 +    img = img[margin:h - margin, margin: w - margin]
 +Treatment to improve the quality and the sharpness of character
 +<code python>
 +    img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
 +    img = cv2.threshold(img, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)[1]
 +==== Character Recognition ====
 +finally I use tesseract and check if each word exist in a language text dictionary
 +<code python>
 +    img2 = Image.fromarray(img)
 +    txt = pytesseract.image_to_string(img2, lang='fra')
 +    file =open('frenchWord.txt', 'r')
 +    keyword_list = file.read().split()
 +    cpt =0
 +    for word in txt.split():
 +        if word in keyword_list:
 +            print(word)
 +            cpt +=1
 +    nbWord =len(txt.split())
 +    print("\naccuracy = ", cpt, '/', nbWord, ' ', "%.1f" % (cpt *100 /nbWord), "%")
 +after ten seconds, I find 34.4% correct French word in the text.
diy/projets/paperscanner.txt · Dernière modification : 2018/04/25 21:33 de gbouyjou